Tuesday, March 15, 2011

jolting post on foster care from Campbell who aged out.

I love this black bird in the "Percolated Paradox" header.

Here is a jolting post on the foster care system from a twenty-something woman named Campbell who aged out of the foster care system.  At least it jolted me awake with comments like "The chances of an 8 year old foster child being adopted are pretty small.  CPS waited until I was too old and too damaged to be loved by a family." The idea of an 8-year-old being too old to be loved makes my heart sick. And the grim realities of a child returned 12 times to an abusive mother makes my stomach turn. The gritty blog "Percolated Paradox" follows the on going struggles of a young woman who survived foster care. It helps to put a face and story to the some 20,000 children that age out of foster care each year.  Campbell bravely shares her raw story with us, and reminds me we must pray and befriend these lonely little ones.  

From Percolating Paradox Blog: 
When people abuse their animals and the police find out, they usually lose those animals for good.  They aren’t given a second, third, or 12th chance to take care of their pets.  With children it's different.  Children are removed from their abusive homes only to be given back to the people who abuse them.  The law states that biological parents have a right to their children but the legal rights of parents should never trump the human rights of their children.  Abusive parents should not be given chance after chance to be decent parents and human beings for their children.  CPS removed my siblings and me from our mother at least 12 times before she had her rights removed and was sent to prison for felony child abuse.  By the time her rights were removed and I became available for adoption I was 8 years old.  The chances of an 8 year old foster child being adopted are pretty small.  CPS waited until I was too old and too damaged to be loved by a family.  If they had kept me when I was an infant and adopted me out to someone that wanted a baby my life would be so different today.  The lives of my siblings would be so different today.  I’m not saying my life would have been perfect or easy.  I’ve never wanted a perfect or easy life.  I just wanted a family that loved me and a place to call home.  I just wanted to belong somewhere.  That’s all I ever wanted.  That’s all any foster child ever wants.  They just want to be safe and loved"

To read the full post go here

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting this link. Such a horrible thing for children to be prayed upon but to then be continually abused by our system is just heart-aching.
