Tuesday, March 1, 2011

have you ever fantasized about having a pet FOX?

I totally have. Well guess who is living the dream? A group in Siberian that has been "taming" and raising a handful of the only domesticated foxes in the world for over half a century. They found out that over time the foxes of each generation have started changing their looks to look more "dog-ish". Their tails have gotten shorter, started to curl, wag, and they are no longer all silver, but lots of different colors. How cool! In fact, they suspect that our breed of dog a "Sheba Inu" comes from foxes! Check out their story in National Geographic -- it's part of a larger story about breeds that humans have domesticated over time -- like umm...pot belly pigs. oink. But unlike piggies, foxes can cuddle! Ok who wants one??

Here is an excerpt: 

"Trut reaches in and scoops him up, then hands him over to me. Cradled in my arms, gently jawing my hand in his mouth, he's as docile as any lapdog. Except that Mavrik, as it happens, is not a dog at all. He's a fox. Hidden away on this overgrown property, flanked by birch forests and barred by a rusty metal gate, he and several hundred of his relatives are the only population of domesticated silver foxes in the world. And by "domesticated" I don't mean captured and tamed, or raised by humans and conditioned by food to tolerate the occasional petting. I mean bred for domestication, as tame as your tabby cat or your Labrador." 
Read the full article

My Sheba Inu named Enoch. Maybe a descendant of the fox!


  1. hey Courtney - thanks for saying "hi" on my blog! I'm so excited to watch your journey to your little one in Ethiopia! I loved your previous post - isn't it amazing how God leads us - and shows us His desire!
    Praying for y'all as you wait to hold your Ethiopian treasure.

  2. Thanks Jodi for the prayers and the encouragement. this morning the waiting seems really no fun. and it's comforting to have people like you who are walking along the same path. take care -C
