Monday, August 16, 2010

Visiting Orphans in Their Distress -- Zeway, Ethiopia

Watch this moving video and check out my sister Heather's trip to Zeway, Ethiopia to visit the orphans that her group -- Hope in Zeway -- provide food, clothing, shelter and a social worker for. These children don't have parents, but often take care of their siblings. A number of the children her group visited last month are about to loose a parent, and become orphans.

I love the quote that inspires my sister's group: 

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. -- James 1:27


  1. Wow Courtney! I am in tears looking at these beautiful faces. Now we have started down this adoption path, it has lit a fire! I will never be the same. I am praying for you and your sister Heather and her amazing ministry. What a blessing from God to have met Brittany! You have all inspired me! God Bless you, Michelle

  2. I love what Heather is doing with orphans in Ethiopia -- it's been inspiring. It's also been so encouraging to read your families story about Maria's adoption. What strange and wondrous ways God weaves children into our families -- it's both redemptive and beautiful. Our adoption process is opening my eyes to how much God seems to be in the details on my daily life. It continues to grow my faith. God bless you and your family Michelle. Can't wait to meet your new daughter!
